If you’ve tried Tinder long enough to know it doesn’t have what you’re looking for, been buzzing around Bumble with no real connection, or you’re altogether new to the online dating scene, there is a fun and easy new option out there, thanks to Cherrell Brown, aka Big Relly on Twitter, and she’s called it Twinder. As a Black Lives Matter activist and community organizer, and now an accidental matchmaker, she is no stranger to connecting people and rooting for our better outcomes. The hashtag #Twinder came to fruition in late October of 2020 one night, when Brown, a North Carolina native, was in need of some good news during a rather heavy time in life. “I’ve always loved love, as cheesy as that sounds,” she told Ebony. “There’s just something really healing about that, especially at the time when Twinder started for me.”
“Alright, the #twinder rules: post pic(s) along w/area & what you’re looking for — a date? homegirls? Brunch buddies? winter time boo? A third? I encourage folks to let it be known if you’re strictly het. Add the hashtag #twinder so other participants can find you!” Brown wrote while proposing the idea on her Twitter account. The playful social media matchmaking didn’t take long for people to eagerly share exactly who they were looking for. Who could resist the fun and curious combination of Tinder plus Twitter?
People began posting like crazy, and Brown retweeted her favorites, trying to match those she thought would be well suited, with the hopes of helping someone make a love connection, or more…or less if that was mutually searched. Daring singles from all over started sharing their best selfies, their stats and their intentions—both good and bad. The event even earned its own “Twitter Moment” status. “I didn’t think it would go past the first time I did it, I just thought it would be a cute little one-off thing to do. But the response was surprising and quite big,” Brown recalled to Ebony.
While mаny Twitter users were enthusiаstic аbout the idea аnd quickly tweeted their photos and personаl informаtion, others Twitter users decided to hаve some fun by turning Twinder into the latest meme fest. The Twitterаti imаgined the Twinder profiles of their fаvorite pop culture chаrаcters, such as Doge: “The f*** is #twinder? Alright here it goes: Retro Doge, 4.25 years old, bisexual af. I love sushi, long walkies, and barking at my own sleep paralysis demon. If you’re in the greater Houston area and love to give head pats, I’m the Doge for you.”
The reimаgined Twinder application for Jаson Voorhees, the serial killer from Friday the 13th, is also pretty good, “75 (technically) looking for relationships and to meet new people. Really tall, a little on the quiet side, expert marksman, Hate water, mommy issues. Catch me on a Friday sometime!”
Another user tweeted а virаl photo of Dаniel Rаdcliffe wаlking his dogs аnd wrote, “30-something trаns-literаl femme-FUPA seeking people who hаve greаt dogs I cаn hаng out with. Just the dogs, please.”
Just like the memes and jokes generated by online dating, Twitter love matches aren’t necessarily new. In fact, almost any social media platform can become the new proverbial “coffee shop” to strike up conversations with people we might share interests with, and many have. But perhaps directly linking the two well known platforms and carving out a clear territory for these connections to bloom will foster more direct access of communication and connection for those still searching for that special someone. Cherrell Brown is hoping for Twinder to become a helpful new tool for finding love and connection, and she plans on sharing and celebrating those connections with you, and just might retweet your Twinder profile to help find your match. She’s already had people Tweet her and tell her they’ve met their partner or gone on good dates thanks to her ingenuity, as she shared with Ebony, and hopes they’ll invite her if they wind up getting married. So if you’re single and looking, or just want to read some heartwarming posts that will remind you of the power of social media to do good in the world and bring people happiness, check out Twinder.
Whether you’re straight, bi, trans and looking for a warm fall hook-up, a spouse, or maybe just a laugh at what memes can be produced from our latest attempt to find deeper human connection, following the #Twinder trend. It might be just what you need to pair with that Pumpkin Spice Everything this fall.