While “self-care” has become a major modern buzzword, loving yourself and caring for yourself are ongoing life projects, ones essential for making sure you can be your best self and show up for the people in your life. Loving yourself will look different for every individual, but we can all find ways to incorporate treating ourselves better and making sure to stay as centered as possible. This will have a major impact on your emotional well-being and mental health and will help you stay grounded and make healthier decisions.
Here are five ways to love yourself:
1. Meditate
Meditation is a simple practice that requires nothing other than a little time and space and focus. You can do it anywhere you’re able to close your eyes and tune out the world. Its positive effects are multifold. According to the app Headspace, “The benefits of meditation can be felt as soon as after one single session. Some studies have shown increased mood, decreased stress, and reduced blood pressure after one session.” Meditation can help you love yourself by allowing you to tune out the outside voices and negative thoughts that may weigh on you or stress you out. If you’ve never meditated before and want to learn how to meditate, the site Mindful and The New York Times have guides that will walk you through this powerful activity.
2. Journal
Journaling is another way to get to know yourself better and provides a private way to nurture your feelings and thoughts and keep track of them. Whether you have a set time you write in a journal, such as first thing in the morning or before you go to bed, or keeping your journal with you to jot down thoughts throughout the day, a consistent journaling practice can help give you crucial insights and allow you to be totally honest about what’s on your mind.
3. Move
Whether you’re into running, swimming, yoga, long walks, sports, weight lifting, hula hooping, jumping on a trampoline, roller skating or any other activity, moving your body daily is important for both physical and mental health. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise improves your mood because ” Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious.” Movement is not about perfection, calories, weight, or being the fastest or best. It’s about giving your body a break from a sedentary lifestyle and giving yourself an outlet to stretch your muscles and discover the power of your body. Exercising outdoors during daylight allows your skin to absorb Vitamin D and can help with seasonal affective disorder. But whether you’re moving indoors or outdoors, it’s a crucial element in loving and sustaining your body. If you don’t like traditional gyms or classes, find a type of movement you do enjoy.
4. Eat
Food is both a requirement for living and a sensual experience. You may think the only sense you use to eat is taste, but the truth is, you also use the other four senses: hearing, sight, smell, and touch. Think about a delicious chocolate cake fresh from the over. Yes, it tastes incredible, but you also get more excited to eat it when you hear the timer on the over ding, look at its freshly frosted, glistening top, savor the flavorful scent, enjoy the thrill of holding a piece in your hand. Food nourishes so much more than mere hunger. Taking the time to sit down and savor what you eat, whether you’re eating a piece of fruit, a sandwich, a snack or a full meal will help you be more appreciative of what you’re eating and get the most out of the experience. It’s a way to show your body and your taste buds that you love them.
5. Masturbate
Masturbation not only feels good and can release endorphins when you orgasm, it’s also a valuable time for getting in literal touch with your body. Whether you’re partnered or single or it’s complicated, taking time for sensual self-love helps you tap into your sexual fantasies and unlock your erotic mind. You can masturbate using sex toys and/or personal lubricant, watching porn or other erotic videos or photos, or simply using your imagination and seeing what images come to mind.