We’re pleased to share four powerful poems from the new poetry collection I Love You, Call Me Back (Plume) by acclaimed spoken word poet Sabrina Benaim. Sabrina is one of the most viewed spoken word poets ever, having reached over 100 million people around the world with her performance videos, and is known for breaking down the barriers around mental health conversations. This collection covers loneliness and relationships in all their confusing and wonderful permutations, and has been praised by Hanif Abdurraqib as “a towering testament to the human condition” and Andrea Gibson called Sabrina “a magician when it comes to writing about heartache in a way that evaporates the heartache of the reader.”
In a Text Message
the man I am in love with says to me,
“it’s just that, in my head, you aren’t real.”
and like that, poof! I am a ghost. You
once begged for a haunting.
But you know what? Maybe some other
time. Ha. Time is not real.
I mean, I am more real than time. You are
cruel. A kiss goodbye. A
spell. Like the notes of a piano when you
finger the right keys.
Dancing in the living room, in your arms,
you rolling up the sleeve
of my T-shirt, wasn’t I real enough?
Perfect and temporary. A
bloom curious about winter. A peach-
colored rose called cin-
namon. I fix myself a dinner of dandelion
wishes; to be real to be
real to be real. I sit on my yellow couch.
Sing along with Mac when
he says, I think we just might be alright. I
will be alright. The rocks
are aligned on the windowsill. The
cutlery is asleep on the top
drawer. Everything has its place. Your
place is far from mine. Your
face is far from mine. I think about
missing you. I let it go. My
hands do not shake when I remember I
can barely remember how
to dance in the dark. I buy a candle. I
forgot my name, dyed me
hair, sunset the song. It skips; my heart
gallops away. Yes, I went
and you stayed behind. And then you got
mad and told me not to
come back. But then you got mad when I
didn’t come back. And
you didn’t talk to me for months. And
now you don’t want to talk
to me anymore. The first thing I do is
forgive myself for how long
it’s taking to look in a mirror, touch my
body and feel myself,
better than perfect and good as any
flower; I am real.
Revival // Ode to the DM Slide
A midnight gesture
In blue light
There you were
Starry-eyed & yellow hearted
Cinnamon sugar / My mouth
watering / Song
Songbird / Hummingbird
Bone buzz
Electric guitar
Up the spine / Lightning
Bug / Burrowing
Under my skin / A harvest
Sweet as maple syrup snow
Weightless & playful
Delicious & unexpected
I am iridescent / Offering of giggles
Abundance of tingling
& you / Charming thrill
Ode to Sexting
I was asleep,
the way an instrument is asleep
when there are no hands or hot breath.
But you woke me,
taught me to play
a simple game where my hands were your hands.
& where there was silence,
inside of the empty room,
I became a song.
The Extinction of Honey
While walking toward you,
for what was the last time,
I came across a swarm of bees
in the middle of an intersection.
I stood in awe of the buzzing,
honey spilled from my eyes.
I knew it could not last,
this sweetness between us,
it was always going to sting.
Excerpted from: I Love You, Call Me Back by Sabrina Benaim
Copyright © 2021 by Sabrina Benaim
Published by arrangement with Plume, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC.
I Love You, Call Me Back is available from Amazon and Bookshop.